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Open Book


Preface to Rib: A Memoir

I narrate my life to be a friend and mentor to young women, to anyone who has suffered, so they don’t take the same destructive path that I took.  This book is for anyone who has ever had self- destructive tendencies and how my relationship with Jesus Christ overcame my desire to commit suicide in my early 20’s, healed my cutting, healed my broken heart, and gave me the strength to continue when I was raising my daughter who suffered from bipolar disorder as a single parent.  

I write to be transparent with my life, to help people to seek the Healer the Lord Jesus Christ, to tell the Truth, and the greatest objective is to glorify God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

I began writing at the age of 9, to process the experience of living, whether good or bad, maybe, never to publish, but as an expression of the humanity God has given me.

My prayer is that the Lord Jesus will use my humanity, imperfections and all.  I pray that my writings will reflect God's love for humanity.

I celebrate my recovery from cutting and unhealthy relationships that caused me to sin, because of sheer loneliness which caused my desperation.   I was a cutter for many years.  It is my Lord Jesus Christ who has broken the chains! He has delivered me from the torture and the torment of cutting. If you have never been in this prison, it is a pit so deep I mutilated myself to escape the emptiness. It is a miracle I survived at all.

 Cutters, you were not created to cut yourselves you were created to be in a relationship with Jesus Christ. He will take your razors away too, if you let Him.

God didn't create women to be in adulterous or fornicating relationships. God created women to be His daughters, and to give them in marriage to one man, to be loved and cherished by her husband. Don't sell yourselves for nothing. Jesus paid the highest price for you, when He was crucified on the Cross. Glory to the Lamb!

The Holy Spirit has instructed me to testify to the truth of the flesh, it is scarred and fallen, and sets itself up as an idol against God. Don't trust in your flesh trust in the One who died for you on the Cross, The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I live everyday only by God's grace.  He has forgiven me, and has redeemed me.  I am saved by the Blood of Jesus. I live for Him.

“HE has delivered me from the power of darkness and translated me into the Kingdom of the Son of His love.” (Colossians 1:13)


(New King James Version of the Holy Scriptures)                       

 “I feel exceedingly good when I write, I have always loved to write, and my prayers are that the Lord Jesus would use me to write the things He wants me to, to use the gift he gave me to encourage, to testify that there is hope only in Jesus.  I used to be angry, and anger fueled the rage that caused me to cut my body until there were only ribbons of flesh hanging, and blood was dripping down my legs and arms. Yes, I am as human as they come, and I pray, "Lord use my humanity, my flawed screwed up life to touch the flawed screwed up lives of the others. God loves you and I want God to use me to tell you so."

"If you have suffered abuse there may be triggers in this book.  I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ heals you and frees you of any and all abuse the reader may have suffered. I pray the Holy Spirit comforts you as He leads you to the freedom that Christ died to give you.   In the freeing, loving, peaceful and powerful name of Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.  Amen.

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